Nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan
Nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan

nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan

The results showed that the composition of weeds on immature oil palm plantations was found 12 species with number of individual 847, while on mature palm found 9 species with number of individuals 980.

nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan

The parameters observed were density, frequency, dominance, important value index (INP), summed dominance ratio (SDR) and species diversity index (H'). Vegetation analysis was carried out using a survei method with purposive sampling technique.

nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan

This research was conducted from October to December 2020. This study aims to compare the composition and structure of weeds on peatland immature oil palm plantations and mature palm. Weed vegetation analysis is important to do in order to know the composition and structure of the vegetation to determine the appropriate weed control measures.

Nama nama gulma lahan perkebunan